Buyer's Agent Services
Buyer Commission Rebates Up To 50% |
GAR Contract Forms |
Electronic Signature |
Broker-Client Buyer Agency |
Automated MLS Search Tools |
Restrictions apply. Offer subject to change without notice and void where prohibited by law or buyer's lender.
Buyer Commission Rebates. Tom Bonner offers Buyer commission rebates of up to 50% of the Selling Agent's net commission to qualified Buyers at closing. As a Buyer, you may use this rebate to pay for closing costs or apply it towards the purchase price. To qualify for the commission rebate, you must not have entered into an Exclusive Buyer Brokerage Engagement Agreement with a licensed agent or broker.
To see if you qualify for our Buyer commission rate, contact Tom Bonner at 470-253-0971 or
GAR Contract Forms. All Buyer's Agent Services include licensed Georgia Association of REALTORS® (GAR) approved real estate contract forms.
Electronic Signature. Tom Bonner supports electronic signing of all real estate transaction forms using the Authentisign application included with his Georgia MLS membership.
Broker-Client Buyer Agency. The Buyer is required to enter into an Exclusive Buyer Brokerage Engagement Agreement with Wynd Realty before the Broker can represent the Buyer as a client and qualify for the Buyer commission rebate. The Buyer will need to provide the following information and a valid state issued identification or passport.

Automated MLS Search Tools. Our Buyer Agent service includes Automated MLS Search Tools that provide email notification of MLS listing updates based on your preset search criteria. Notifications are sent directly from the MLS before IDX and syndication to third parties.